Tuesday, June 15, 2010

research proposal

Alright when it comes to this research propasal the first thing that i want to research is the crisis in jamaica. Why? Well because im interested in the fued between the drug lord and the government. I want to learn about what sets it off and why are they fighting over this situation. i will be getting my information from http://www.miamiherald.com/2010/05/25/1648171/kingston-under-siege.html if i do choose this as my project.

My second research proposal is about a show that i really adore because it is so hilarious. The Boondocks. The show is created by Aaron Mcgruder, and the reason why i want to research this is because i want to know why he created this (first as a comic strip then into a show)and i want to kno why did he choose to use these fictional characters Huey and Riley to carry out his political views. I will get my information from http.//www.boondockstv.com

My third research proposal (which is what i actually chose to do my research projeect on) Is the life and time of the late rapper Big L. I want to know why he started rapping and why the way he flows is so sharp. I want to know if his environment had anything to do with his rap career and i also want to know about what and who took his life. i will be getting my information from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_L

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